
Obstacles – Speed bumps on the Road of Life

Jul 9, 2015   //   by kristi   //   news  //  No Comments

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 “All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

                                     Walt Disney


Facing challenging problems or obstacles is a part of life that no one can escape. You cannot plan for everything that gets thrown in your path, no matter what you prepare for.

The key to facing problems is to not avoid them, but rather jump into them head first. The act of avoiding them will only cause them to follow you around, and they usually will only get worse.

Our problems are what give us the opportunity to see what we’re made of. We obtain the biggest growth in life, not through having it easy, but by how we learn about who we are in the face of these challenges.

We find the resources within to build character and resilience. No, it’s not easy but it’s possible. If we look for the gifts hidden in all of our experiences, we can begin to stop labeling good or bad, right or wrong.

When my son was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome I went into a downward spiral. I could not understand why. How could this be? I felt devastating emotional pain, anger, shame, and feelings of hopelessness. I looked for help, I prayed to God to take this away, and I cried the tears only a mother can.

After more than a decade of dealing with this challenge I have come to look at what it has taught me about myself. I have found inner strength to pull myself out of the depth of despair. I refused to let this become my albatross… and so has my son. He has and continues to teach me about resilience and courage.

What is the lesson?

I have learned what I am made of, I have resilience beyond what I believed, and I have the ability to face my pain.

Pain is part of life, and through self love and compassion all can be transformed.

Your greatest power and gift comes from within you.

Obstacles are speed bumps on the road to discovering who you are.

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