Desert Detox
“ To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”
I have been interested in cleansing, nutrition and exercise for 25 years. With age, injury, and the last holiday eating binge, I thought what a great time to jump start a system cleanse.
I started this New Year with a vacation to Palm Desert at the We Care Spa.
This spa has been around for 30 years. It caters to clientele who want to clean out the toxins that overload the body that cause stress on the 5 elimination organs.
The body becomes more acidic when acid forming foods and drinks are consumed. This puts a load of stress on the body and slows down the metabolism and creates oxidation in the body.
In order for the body to work efficiently and be healthy it should have a PH level 7.4 or higher. Anything below is considered an acidic body decreasing ability to repair cells, detoxify heavy metals, and also more susceptible to fatigue and illness.
As soon as you check into the spa you are given a checklist to follow for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. These meals consist of filtered water, herbs, vegetable juice, teas, and a detox drink, (which tastes pretty bad), and one mug of pureed soup at night. Basically you have no solid food for as long as you sign up for.
During your stay you have a colonic everyday. This wasn’t a big deal to me since I have advocated colonics for years, (definitely material for a movie script).
Additional treatments to help in assisting the detox are offered that I took full advantage of including Lymphatic Stimulation Massage, Digestive Massage, Magnesium Detox, Reflexology, Oxygen bubble baths, and many others.
Nutrition classes, Morning Yoga, Intra-red Sauna, (and my favorite) the “Floating Bed” were all available to partake in. The grounds were beautifully maintained and relaxing.
As you begin the detox it is normal to feel nausea, headaches, body aches, and generally a bit spacey. This is normal as your body lets go of toxins. After a few days your body will begin to feel better and you begin to have more energy.
Many Hollywood actors and big entertainment professionals take advantage of the program to safely loss weight, unwind, and reduce symptoms of stress.
Being a small resort, only 17 rooms, this place books up 9 months in advance and the return rate is 80%. I met people there that had been there over 10 times.
I was worried that I wouldn’t make it 8 days without eating food. After my 8 days I actually felt amazing and energized. I knew I would come back to this amazing oasis in the desert.
I am a big believer of not only a physical detox but one of emotional health as well.
Look into your life and find what is toxifying it.
Are you holding on to things, people, emotions that aren’t serving you anymore?
If so, it’s time to start ridding your physical and mental body of everything that isn’t serving your greatest good.
Health is a life style, not a once in awhile.